hello cupcake

hello cupcake
cupcake heaven

Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Working "Cupcake" Date

It started out as "just a date." Instead, it became a working lunch. For me, at least. Four days before, our "date day", we were ambivalent. The movies--boring. Dinner--don't want to talk about the kids! Broadway Show--so not a cheap date! We tossed around a few ideas, all following tentative. MoMA was a consideration. Definitely, far from the usual. Not a first thought, nonetheless, a cultural experience is always broadening.

I jotted it down in our [His & Hers] couples calendar. Prior to "date day", I researched the Internet and perused through past issues of the New York Times (the ones you swear you'll read at some point). I noticed an advertisement for the Architectural Digest Home Design Show happening the same weekend as our "date". Perfect. Since, it was ultimately my decision, according to him. It was decided. The lineup included exhibits, designer seminars, free consultations AND, a culinary pavilion!!!! The chefs featured were from the "hottest spots" in New York City restaurants. Bingo. We were SO there!

I visited the site http://www.archdigesthomeshow.com/ to find out ticket & registration, hours etc... Since our rendezvous was settled, I became more curious about the culinary demos. I needed more information. With three days to go, the participants were confirmed. But, what about next year? Does the company produce other events that showcase culinary demos? The rhetorical questions continued. The answers were essential. Thus, I called to inquire about the contact. I wanted to share my information for future events. And, why not? I had nothing to lose and maybe a demo to gain.

Later, I left a message for the director. We exchanged a game of tag. Eventually, speaking the day after. She asked the who, what, where questions, and I responded enthusiastically. She requested that I email here my contact information for future events. That was enough for me. Mission accomplished. I continued the day as scheduled. Checking her off my "to do" list.

That night, around 9pm, I sent it. At 9:45pm, I called it a night. I was exhausted. About, 6:45am, my two alarm clocks (boy 1 and boy 2) awakened. I wiped the sleep from my eyes. Stretched every ligament in my body until they snapped, crackled and popped. Had a solo meeting in the "ladies room". Then, proceeded downstairs with my crumb snatchers. Got their bowls of cereal. Turned on my blackberry. Browsed my emails. There was a response from the "director lady" of the Architectural Digest Home Design Show. It read: delivered. Great! At 10:30pm, about an hour after I sent my initial email, another posted. I clicked open...

"I had a cancellation for Friday 12-1pm, do you have any interest in doing a culinary demo?" That was her reply. I reacted...What? I paused. Meditated. Allowed the heavens and earth to come together. Yes, all of that, and then some. Before long, the kids began to harmonize, "mommy, mommy." The entire 3 minutes felt like excitement and fear were erupting towards the finish line. I had to respond without seeming anxious or desperate. This was HUGE!!!

Victoriously, I battled the sparing match. Maintained my composure. And responded, with...AB-SO-LU-TE-LY!!!! She replied immediately...FANTASTIC!!!!! I'll have my assistant contact you with all the details. SHUT. YOUR. MOUTH!!!

Did I just get booked to do the Architectural Digest Home Design Show? Yep.

The details: please arrive at 11am. Prepare a tasting for 75-100 people. Poggen Pohl is the sponsor. The kitchen is equipped with....

Say no more. I was off and baking.

It was Friday, my premier "cupcake demo". I was accompanied by a few unwanted butterflies that shadowed my every step. It was like an annoying fly that you keep missing with the folded newspaper or magazine. Where's the "butterfly" swat when you need it?

We (the butterflies and I) emerged from the darkness of the tunnel into sunshine city. I hoped the beauty of the sun would entice the butterflies to find another garden. No such luck. Mine was fine. Before, I proceeded to Pier 94, I confronted the unwanted "beauties". Next, I stepped out of my comfort zone into Martha Stewart's shoes for the day.

I arrived at the Pier. Prepped. And, stayed poised. There were about seventy or so tastemakers. Several preferred orchestra seating. Others, mezzanine was sufficient. Some onlookers were satisfied with standing room only.

The tech guy fitted the wrap around microphone on my head. We did a sound check...testing, testing... all was good. We were ready to roll.

The sponsor gave the intro... turned the show over to me....the butterflies had left the building....

"Hi everybody, my name is......,and Welcome to The Cupcake Craze".
posted by Nicole Friday for the Cupcake Craze

check out more photos: www.facebook.com/thecupcakecraze

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Got Googled!

Has anyone notified Google? I pondered. Until now, I never really gave much consideration to how the Google people are "all knowing". Like everyone else, I just "Google". For everything and anything. Got a question? Google it. Want more information? Google it again. The searches run the gamut from cupcake ideas, to the latest kitchen gadgets to Forbes 2010 billionaires list. Guess who's in the top ten? It ain't Tiger Woods either. THE GOOGLE PEOPLE!!!! Talk about pot-luck! How old are they? Seriously, they are rolling in the dough without the flour.

The importance of Google? Very. So, my internal question raised, has anyone notified Google? What about the yellow and white pages? Too prehistoric, unnecessary? Besides, who has the time to peruse through the alphabetical pages of ads and fine print. Somebody. Let's keep it real, The Cupcake Craze is a start-up company. Better call Y & W AND 411! City and State, please...Listing...

Find me! The Good Year blimp was a stretch. But, placement on Google--MAJOR. First page listing is crucial. Some may arrow down to the second page, perhaps even the third, if they're desperate, the fourth. Beyond that you've dropped off the radar. Next search. If you're unlucky enough to land on the 18th or 19th pages. Consider purchasing the "going out of business" sign. Who goes that far? The subject matter has to be really loaded.

I had to make the call. From one All-Purpose Flour to the Unbleached En-RICHED. We spoke the same language. Sort of. You know, a BFF (in this case, in my head "only"). The
Google headquarters would hear from me! I wanted to be added to the list of "all knowing".

Now, I realize in the spectrum of the world "we" are a mere smidgen of cupcakery with big hopes and dreams, not that I would allow that to be a deterrent. I'm just saying! I will try to keep things in perspective when delivering my product dissertation. But, before I embark on that power move.

I figured, why not test it for myself. With a reputation that supersedes search engines, perhaps they already looked into their "info bubble". So, I Googled, The Cupcake Craze...
Ahem...about that call..not necessary! Damn, they're good!

posted by Nicole Friday for the Cupcake Craze

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

"We're Open For Business"

We've launched!!! We're Open for Business!!! Now what? It's one of those "hurry up and wait" sort of things. It's the norm in fashion, radio, tv and film. In an industry where there is hair & make-up, directors, producers, talent etc...there's a lot of moving pieces to coordinate. In the cupcake world, you have three...Ready. Set. BAKE. Hardly, a complex movement. Now, that's not to say I haven't put in the hours. My family can attest to that. Thanks fam for your love and support! I owe you some really special cupcakes! Smooches.

For days, weeks, months, we've grinded it out. I have to give kudos to my web designer (artoftanishasmith@gmail.com). She's got stamina. We've been around the world or the web a hundred times or more. Whew! I can be so indecisive. Maybe creative is more appropriate. I never really saw myself as a perfectionist or pest! Oops, did I say that? I'm just passionate, that's all.

So far, I've received some really cool feedback from the site. Apparently, a few of you have seen it. In case, you haven't here you go http://www.thecupcakecraze.com/. By the way, "We're Open for Business". Lol! Since the launch, I've received tons of inquiries. Several orders and lots of "cupkeeeekkeesse peeeeezzze, mommy" from my kids. It's pure torture for them. Mommy, apologizes in advance. Bring on the orders!!! Having an event? We're the perfect guilty pleasure.

Even the search engines are the craze. Call me a late bloomer. I avoided the whole facebook, twitter thing long enough. Whenever someone invited me to join. I responded with. Ignore. So not interested! I've since succumbed. Mainly, because my publicist told me I had to. For the business, of course. I'm still navigating my way through. Who has time for all that? The mompreneur thing has got me strapped.

Inevitably, you can catch me tweeting (www.twitter.com/thecupcakecraze.com) or facebooking (www.facebook.com/thecupcakecraze.com). Blogging, I sort of get. My husband argues, is there anything sacred anymore. Sure it is. Just nothing I write about!

This weekend, a blogger inquired about the company and the menu. She asked, if we had a store. I explained to her that we are not a retail establishment, but a catering company. I told her our slogan, "your favorite desserts turned cupcake." Her response, "they sure are, as a matter of fact, I wanted to eat everyone on your menu". Love that! I asked her how she heard of us. She said, on facebook. Go figure!
The Cupcake Craze launched a week and three days ago. I have 27 facebook followers and 9 twitter followers. Wow!! Funny thing is, I have no idea who any of these people are!! Well, maybe a few. Does it really matter? I'm just siked! But now, there's this responsibility and pressure thing. It's like a fan base. Right? Stop me when I've gone too far. I feel like I have to write something clever every time. Engaging the audience is key. Even, I, who fought the facebook, twitter craze, don't want to bore my loyal followers. God forbid they unsubscribe!

At least, I could still post, "We're Open for Business"?

posted by Nicole Friday for the Cupcake Craze
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